Tuesday 21 January 2014

Predictions of Gambling Industry for 2014

Thus, with the turn of every year the gamblers eagerly wait for future predictions on their favorite gambling game and latest offline and online casino gambling statistics for redesigning their killer strategies. While casino based gambling is the eternal favorite of amateurs and professional gamblers, online gambling has also won equal popularity over the few years.

Now here are some predictions for 2014 for the gambling game lovers all over the world. Check these out and redesign your strategies before making every move.

·         Prediction 1: 

Thus, the individual US states like Nevada and California, which were the hub of gamblers, will have a slightly risky position this year as online gambling games will be hot favorite. USA will be one of those countries this year where casino based gambling will be under constant threat of loss of popularity. Actually, the online gambling games will score higher in popularity. However, faint hope is that the popularity of California as casino club of the world will not fade out completely. Further predictions are that it might enter the world of online gambling too with Poker. 

·         Prediction 2:

Thus, the sudden changes in gambling rules, imposition of new licenses for conducting casino based gambling and regulations on online downloads will be the eternal characteristics of the gambling industry in Europe. It seems that gambling codes of conduct will never become permanent for the entire Europe, and will keep on changing without any prior intimation. As the entire UK will be busy adjusting the gambling codes and conducts, Gibraltar, the European gambling den will not be out of it.